Grupo Cajamar ratifies its support for United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking
23 de Septiembre, 2019- Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar entities agree to align their business model with Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement
As a founding signatory, Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar has ratified its support for the Principles for Responsible Banking developed by the United Nations Environment Programme, demonstrating its commitment to align its business with the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The official act to ratify the Principles for Responsible Banking involving 130 banks from around the world took place in New York at the start of the United Nations General Assembly. It marked the beginning of the launch of the most important partnership agreement to date between the United Nations and the global banking sector, which will play a crucial role in achieving a sustainable future.
During his speech to the attending countries, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, declared that “the UN Principles for Responsible Banking are a guide for the global banking industry to respond to, drive and benefit from a sustainable development economy. The Principles create the accountability that can realize responsibility, and the ambition that can drive action.”
Meanwhile, the Chairman of BCC-Grupo Cajamar, Luis Rodríguez, stated that “The Principles of Responsible Banking are aligned with the business model and the ethical management system that we assume, promote and have been contributing to make a reality for years". In this regard, Rodríguez highlighted that “the role of the corporate bank, Cajamar, goes beyond just its financial activity because the institution’s business and social initiatives are linked to the sustainable economy and building a fairer and more balanced society in both towns and cities and the countryside”.
Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, which acknowledged its support for the Principles for Responsible Banking in December and has been actively involved in providing comments and observations during the public consultation, is also a member of other international initiatives related with sustainability. It signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2006, is a member of the Spanish Network of the Global Compact and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, and reports its carbon footprint annually to the international authority in this field, the Carbon Disclosure Project.
More information:
Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar
Press office
950 21 03 86 |